Twitter conversation of the day 20 October: Jessica Williams et. al.
Today’s conversation of the day is far too long to include all of the tweets in it. So I am just going to include Jessica’s, then talk about a couple of things.
Today’s conversation of the day is far too long to include all of the tweets in it. So I am just going to include Jessica’s, then talk about a couple of things.
Jessica Williams has just tweeted the following:
Last night was TV3’s leaders debate. I have looked at the use of social media by the parties to promote the here. This post is going to look at how Labour used Twitter during the debate to push their message.… Continue Reading
A few weeks ago Bryce Edwards and Geoffrey Miller published their top 100 tweeters to follow this election. There was much discussion afterwards about the make up of the list, and the lack of female or ethnic members on the list.… Continue Reading
Following Winston’s comments on the weekend ACT party leader Jamie Whyte has come out calling for Susan Devoy to resign as Race Relations Commissioner, due to her not commenting on Peter’s “joke”.